Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Will machines subjugate and destroy humanity?

Most people believe there is a real and imminent threat within the distant future when robots and machine intelligence will take over the planet and destroy humankind. If not destroy then subjugate.

There should be no fear of machine intelligence  causing the subjugation or extinction of humans.

We are already "controlled" by machines
Humans are increasingly being supplemented with and complemented by artificial and machine intelligence. Our current situation is we are deeply dependent on machine intelligence to perform our work, than people realise. 

For example, without machine intelligence, we would not be able to
  • design modern buildings with complex stability structures, 
  • write complex business and gaming software, 
  • design and manufacture the complex ICs and computers we depend on, 
  • fly a huge jetliner
  • etc
Without machine intelligence, the world economy will collapse. Pharmaceutical, medical, engineering, manufacturing ... most of everything ... and your car will not fire-up. We will be dead in the water without machine intelligence. 

The spreadsheet for example.

Learning to control the machines like learning ABC
The days are coming where we would have attachments to our brains like a visor or membrane hat, thro which we would acquire the comprehension of calculus or quantum physics within a couple of days. And then we would not have  to remember the formulae, we just need to understand how things work. Because there will be constant communication between the auxiliary artificial brain, where it intelligently deciphers what information you need from its repository.

We will no longer go to school to perform useless memory work. Rather we would go to school to learn how to organize our thinking and how to organize the information on our artificial auxiliary brain. Not very far from people learning how to organize their facebook stuffs or their windows desktop, I suppose, for quick and easy access. Like advanced excel users customizing the whole user interface to their own convenient access.

We are already deep in the pit with machine intelligence than we would dare to realize.

The future of machine supplemented human network
And someday soon, medical technology will deploy bio-nano-robotic germs to heal us of cancer. And why would people stop there? We will borrow remnants from the HIV and Ebola to have billions of robotic-viruses to invade and modify our DNA to perform seamless and flawless plastic surgery. And to improve our intelligence.

The sport of bodybuilding would be obsolete. Rather the sport would mutate into the art and science of using HIV to sculpt your body competitively.

In the future, a new form of marriage will emerge. It will be the marriage of compatible minds by forming an intellectual cloud. It will be the copulation of the intellect. You will have to choose carefully whom you allow to share your mind with. Two conjoined intellects would be better than the individual sum of both.

And then we would be like the Portuguese man-of-war which is actually an "organism" due to the permanent conjoining of 4 or more individual jellyfish. Goodbye to the gay marriage debate.

Humans would technologically evolve into bio-genetic androids. Our livers, spleens, kidneys, various organs will be replaced, repaired and regenerated in situ using biogenetic nanobots. We will be deliberately infected with such nanobots from young, like immunization shots. Gradually, our genetic system would be modified to reproduce these nanobots naturally.

What ethics?
Impossible. People would never accept it.

Well, it used be unethical and cheating to bring calculators into the exam room. It is unethical to bring in a powerful palm-sized computer with you to take the test. Why should it be unethical? Who sets those rules and say it is unethical to have a powerful computer to help you complete your Physics o Maths exam? Why?
Outmoded thinking
It was unthinkable half a century ago that we would be so completely dependent on computer-aided design and creativity to help us design and manufacture intricate and complex systems.

It was unthinkable that people should be allowed to use calculators in our exam rooms. It is still unthinkable that students should be allowed to use computers in exams. Current education modes are ridiculously trying to test us on our memorization capability rather than our ability to creatively use facts and data presented to us.

But all that outmoded way of thinking will be extinct.

We would no longer go to school to engage in the silly activity of learning data-based information. Instead, we would be going to school learning how to interact and exploit information. Where to learn about calculus, we put on the calculus helmet. But of course, a helmet would contain more than just calculus.

Machines will never subjugate humans
There is near zero chance for machine intelligence to subjugate or extinctify the human race. We will be too far ahead with our supplementary and complementary intelligence,  and human networks.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The fundamental value of money

The Federal Reserve is creating money "out of thin air". But I'm not complaining.

After all, money is meaningless for all other reasons except as a kanban. The fundamental value of money of an advanced economy is not and cannot be gold or any form of commodity. The fundamentals that support and reinforce the value of money is education, technology expertise, creativity and productivity of its economy.

Kanban is a micro-economic form of currency in process control.

In a factory (or hospital, utility company, etc) computer-aided process planning would freely expand and contract the currency supply circulated in the factory. When kanban expansion occurs, we do not say we are borrowing from the future. We are expanding because the process flow and the number of processes has expanded. Unless we expand the currency supply on the production floor, there will be fluidity problems and bottle-necks.

Therefore, when the fed expands money supply, we are not "borrowing from the future". They are merely responding to the fluidity and productivity requirements.

I demonstrate the bimodal contradictions (aka hypocrisy) of neo-Conservative Christianity's unbiblical perspectives on money, and their attempts at deliberately promoting misunderstanding of the biblical role of money to promote their end-times theology.

The bible places limited value on the role of money.

For example, the parable of the workers (regardless if they came early in the morning or nearing evening, they were paid the same) contradicts neo-Conservative Christian values on money. The requirement to reset the economy and the value of money every 50 years also contradicts their selfish and materialistic values on money.

The fundamental value of an economy is the education, technology, creativity and continuous acquisition of skills of its population.

Money is a kanban and should be treated as a kanban. Biblical views on accumulating prosperity and assets is not thro money but thro wisdom and gaining of knowledge.
Socialist planning and wealth redistribution is not the answer to poverty. The answer to poverty is the right of every child and person to gain the education and productive skills he/she deserves.

A gold or commodity backed currency equals a mediocre stagnated economy. But a currency backed by the education, skills and productivity of its population equals an extreme-performance economy.

The Bible forbids usury not because it in itself is evil, but because it encourages the accumulation of wealth through money rather than through social justice, knowledge and education. Money as a long-term media of wealth accumulation is self-defeating, self-strangulating.

Money is but a kanban to achieve the goals of an economy. Money could merely be a short-term value buffer like any kanban should be. A value that needs to be reset on a regular process realignment basis.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Autistic Communication with Eternal Providence

Continued from previous.
If you remember John Nash, a mathematics genius, who had been plagued by schizophrenia, you would remember that part of his schizophrenia were voices due to patterns that he could perceive.

Being autistic, I too see messages in patterns of information and data. I don’t want to say I am schizo like John Nash. Perhaps, I am. Being autistic, I have to depend on patterns. I've learned to know if a person is unhappy because I have a reservoir of patterns and their mappings stored in my memory. I have trained myself to appear like normal people thro building up my reservoir of patterns and responses. But it does not always work, because it is impossible for my reservoir to cover the whole spectrum of human existence.

Therefore, inevitably, the way I try to communicate with Eternal Providence is totally different from most people. My autism requires me to communicate and perceive my world thro patterns.

I have found that when you wish to communicate with your young little children, you have to establish a base-line. Your normal mode of communication must be as quiet and low tone as effectively possible. In that way, you would not have to yell at your children, because you would have a wide spectrum of emotional and personality variation that you could convey a message in an extremely strong way when necessary, without going into a yelling mode.

Hugging your child in any circumstances is so important, because hugging conveys messages beyond verbal means especially for an autistic parent. You have to indulge in her fantasies and childish talk.

I have to address G’d in similar patterns. Do I say that G’d is a child and I have to treat Him like a child in my communication? No. I am simply acknowledging that I have no idea who G’d is.

I am well aware of JI Packer who wrote the book “knowing god”. I have read the 1st ten pages of that book. I am also well-aware of Christians and Muslims who propose a “personal relationship” with their god, and that thro their respective religious figureheads, they achieve the ultimate knowledge of their god. They believe the holy spirit of their god becomes the interface thro which they can legally claim to know the totality of their god, even though they personally have no intellectual understanding of their god.

I want to presume I have a higher intelligence than JI Packer, lying between the  top 250 to top 900 of the population. Perhaps, on the lower end. With all the intellect that I could grasp and understand G’d, I still would prefer to believe that what my intellect has managed to grasp is infinitesimal to the being of G’d. I have to communicate that baseline to G’d by indicating to Him I am unable to spell the references to Him in full. I want to give myself as huge as possible a range of emotional, intellectual, personality variation as possible in my communication with Him. I ration my communication variation so that He gets a clear message of what I need to communicate to Him. So that when a message is so extremely important, that I could have a full range of emotional and intellectual outburst at Him. You know, the principle of crying wolf as infrequently as possible. I have to create buckets of my quantization of crying wolf. So that the pattern of each wolf call is differentiable from another. I need to establish the widest possible vocabulary with my G'd, to overcome my deficiency due to autism.

Maybe certain people prefer to profess that they know G’d in totality. That would be really unsatisfactory to me.

I remember in my younger days, when I had fasted to skimp on expenses to save up on a particular piano. When it came to buying it, I suddenly decided to abandon buying the piano. The frustration that entailed with that decision was immense but I had wanted so badly to tell G’d a message (unrelated to the piano) in the most extreme way possible.

The Hebrew word that is translated as sacrifice is [קורבן] from the root radical [קרב] (QRV). [קרב] is  the root radical to convey closeness, intimacy, encounter, conflict. For example, [קרב] itself means to be near.

I know that a lot of Christians accuse Jews of “having forgotten” how to pronounce the Eternal Name of the LORD. I don’t think I need to elaborate. If Christians are satisfied with the baseline of pronouncing the Identity of G’d verbally – let them be satisfied with the meals so afforded. I am hungry, and I need to perceive a baseline for my hunger. The Identity of G'd must lie in infinite dimensions, and pronouncing verbally the Identity would be pejorative.

That is enough already. In Qabbalah understanding, it is not good to reveal too much. I don’t think I should reveal too much any further, because it would not benefit anyone’s choice of relationship with G’d. I am constrained by my autism so that I use extreme modes of communication with my G’d. There is so much more degrees I try in my communication with Him, and all of them still seem so deficient and inadequate.

People around me could suffer the consequences of my manipulative communication with G'd, simply because I had not cared to measure the consequences. A little knowledge can be so dangerous and devastating. He didn't have to destroy those people's lives. I just cannot understand why He did. I can only hope they are coincidences. I have to believe they are coincidences.

People could choose to use jesus, mohammed, gandhi, hillary clinton or khrisna to do the communication for them.. But, I don’t feel a comfortable or effectiveness having my communication passing thro a proxy. I drive a manual car because I need to feel my communication with the road beneath me. I am not comfortable driving an automatic.

It is not necessary or possible that other people approach G’d in the same manner that I do. It is their preference and capacity in their communicating with their Creator.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The misunderstood world of autism

Autism is a very misunderstood affliction. Autistic people have extreme abilities and disabilities. My extreme ability is my visualizing logic of sentences, language and ideas - needing to see data as actual objects in the spaces in my mind. But among my disability is the inability discharge such analysis in manners appropriate to the perspective of normal people. 

I will argue obsessively in favour of a subject in which I have no interest or belief, simply because of my need to complete my analysis.  I have low ability to discern what people actually want me to do, even though I try my best to understand what they want me to do. I can barely tell if people are happy or annoyed with me. I have to revalidate my goals with my management frequently in annoying fashion because try as best as I could, my perspective does not allow me to pursue goals in manners commonly comprehensible by other people.

I know that many autistic people would appear normal and intelligent but would soon reveal ourselves as tangential. And then people would get angry with us because they do not understand the lack of normal perspective we possess, and  they would  think we are deliberately offending them. Some people, myself included, think that ptsd is an imaginary affliction, yet I have to accept I am wrong - because my experience tells me that people think my autism is imaginary.

The problem is what I see as normal perspective is usually not aligned with the normal perspective of normal people..But I don't see it as a problem. I use the word problem because I see my perspective as problematic to other people.

The actual problem is normal people often appear as autistic and misaligned when viewed in my perspective, so that when I try to execute my life in sincerity to good and kind within the confines of my perspective, I just don't understand why people would get angry at me. What have I done wrong ??? I've had people yell at my face telling me "trying your best is not enough" when I said that I am trying my best.

Continue next.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Time loop

… from previous post

For those who are familiar with dynamic systems and control engineering on closed-loop (or open-loop) dynamics, and concepts like Nyquist stability analysis, you might see why we would have to superimpose each loop back onto the previous loop not in phase but in time. Actually, superimpose each future phase segment back onto the previous phase segment. In that way we should be able to analyse the stability of time loops using closed-loop analysis.

Which would require us to analyse time in at least two dimensions.What if time has three dimensions like the space we are aware of?

However, time cannot be "actually" 3-dimensional, because time is a derivative of event sequencing and not a fundamental dimension. However, when we stack time loops onto each other, we would have to defacto view the situation we have created as 2-dimensional time, as an arithmetically possible way to reference each loop individually, to make our analysis possible. We would simply be performing information design and normalization, not that time is actually multidimensional.

You need to be familiar with information schema design and normalization, to understand what I meant when I write multidimensional time is abstract treatment of non-dimensional information. If you have been a statistician forming dimensional components out of streams of data or have experience in an object-oriented programming designing hierarchy of classes, you would understand what I meant. That is, to manage the time response, you could design time in whatever structure and hierarchy that would be convenient to your information analyses.

When our descendants learn how to travel in time, it would be our first step in our journey to playing-god, a first step in fulfilling Psalm 8. Due to the fact that we realise that time perception is simply information design and normalization, and we have the authority to design or redesign dimensional views to perceive the progress of time. Gradually, we would learn to reconfigure space and time.

That is why Psalm 8 says we are only a little lesser than G’d. We are to be asymptotically near equals of G’d. That in a few billon years’ time, as we gradually draw nearer to G’d.

What if future humans discovered reverse time travel?

Let's say those are not aliens, but descendants of humans from the future. I am simply tempted to analyse the prospect, regardless if it were true. This is just a mathematical analysis of a hypothetical situation, not that I believe or accept such a situation would exist.

If you analyse logically, if future people came back to their past  to give us technology we had never invented before, then that would preempt its actual invention and cause the technology not to have been invented at all.

However, a reason why dogs eat poop or their own poop is because that is their way to effectively double the length of their digestive tracts, as we are well aware that dogs have short digestive tracts. If you have had a dog running around a horse or cow farm, you would understand. Or if you’ve seen (in disgust) your dog gobble-up a baby's poop or licking up a baby's diaper. There need to be starter material for the poop recycle. Someone has to eat an initial feedstock.

Similarly, the motivation why future people would want to pass their technology back in time, is to lengthen the effective development time of the technology. If the technology was recycled in time thro ten return loops then they would be able to achieve 5000 years of R&D by looping back 500 years 10 times.

But in order for the technology to exist to be cycled thro a stack of time loops, the following constraints must be maintained ...

  • a seed technology must first be invented outside the time loop, as initial feedstock into the time loop.
  • an uninterruptible 500 year conduit must be enforced to allow the technology thread to progress.

A solution to the 2nd constraint is to have segments of 50 year loops, as it would be easier to maintain political and social continuity within a 50 year period than 500 years, that is stable enough for the technology to pass back into the future to the originators of the time regression. Which would require protocols for stable and assured exchange of information from one loop segment to another.

Which would require us to analyse time in at least two dimensions. So what if time has three dimensions like the space we are aware of? However, time cannot be "actually" 3-dimensional, because time is a derivative of event sequencing and not a fundamental dimension. However, when we stack time loops onto each other, we would have to defacto view the situation we have created as 2-dimensional time, as an arithmetically possible way to reference each loop individually, to make our analysis possible. It’s simply information design and normalization, not that time is actually multidimensional.

Which means that people from the future would look different for each loop, which we might misconstrue as different races.

Also consider that people cannot physically travel faster than light as that would totally crush us regardless of what Star trek or Star wars purports is possible. It is not possible. And therefore our future would have to construct bodies (like the greys?) to carry and transport our presence and intellect, to act as remotely piloted drones back in time.

People use the word "consciousness", like as though in star trek, somehow some constraint magically presents itself to prevent commander Data from being replicated. There is no such thing as transporting your consciousness in time or space, but a projection of your presence over time and space, while actual consciousness of the pilot stay intact at his/her native time period. Technology would allow us to replicate our presence, but it would be totally ridiculous to get rid of the drone ‘s  original copy, just to make sure one version exists.

In the future we would be able to travel "instantly" across large distances of the Universe as long as we had seeded those regions with proxy drone bodies.

What if there continued to have wars and conflicts? To prevent that might be the dominance of one super-power tribe to prevent people from killing each other. Where the dominant tribe maintain technological dominance by looping R&D back in time to effectively lengthen their R&D within a short period of time.

Time looping in the future would be considered the nuclear option, a  technology which only responsible and Security Council core members are allowed to have it. There would be moratoria on its use as well as a treaty for non-proliferation of temporal adjustment. There would talks to resolve temporal adjustment disarmament.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Who invented Jesus? And why?

From previous> Did Jesus Exist?

The one person who might have deliberately done it is Josephus, who was a captured rabbi-rebel leader. At that time, there was an under-current among the Roman military to depose Nero's dynasty. Thereafter his capture, Josephus sincerely wanted his Jewish compatriots to stop rebelling and align themselves with the military.

The military was sick and tired of Nero's personality cult. They were forced to deal with the Jews because Nero wanted the Jews to worship him as their god. Nero was bankrupting the empire.

If Josephus was an American today, he would be a very patriotic American. He effectively became their minister/secretary of propaganda. He helped them invent a new religion that is Jewish-like as a means to re-unify the empire. He believed that the Roman military would be the saviours of Jewish integrity from Nero's hedonism. He believed an arrangement could be made for the military to shield Jews from Nero, if Jewish rebellion would join the military against Nero.

But the Jewish rabbi-rebel leaders would have none of it. So now, the military were forced to fight a war on 2.5 fronts. Would you trust the military who had earlier helped Nero place his figure into the temple? Unfortunately, crushing the Jewish rebellion and destruction of the temple would be the best sign to the whole empire as to who the defacto powers in the empire were.

This disastrous turn of events - the gospels concocted by Josephus was instead used by his masters to turn inspiration by Jewish rebellion to hatred against Jews. His gospels had unfortunately correlated his former rebel compatriots as collaborators with the hated Nero regime. Was he so confident that he could persuade his former rebel-compatriots to join him? Perhaps, Josephus saw himself as a latter day Queen Esther. Perhaps the contentiously disunited rabbis had made a mistake of not unifying behind Josephus.

A couple of decades before Constantine's rise to power, someone decided to revise/reinvent Christianity, by inventing the rabbi Saul/Paul and then backdating the epistles to the time of the mythical Jesus. There was a need to do that because, Christianity had to become a global religion and had to cut off all the Jewish ropes that was tied to it.

That is why, Paul could not successfully ask for agreement from Peter to induct him into the hall of Apostles. Because Paul was invented 250 years later.

So here are the reasonable questions about the irreconcilable concepts ! ! ! .....

  • The rabbi-rebels were not in the mood of cooperating with Nero or his representatives, but yet the gospels depict the rabbis not as rebels but collaborators. And today you Christians go bonkers accusing the rabbis of collaborating with the Romans to murder your god. And because of that a huge population of Christians and Muslims despise or even hate Jews.
  • The Paul figure needed to be seen as an apostle, but Peter and James wouldn't give it to him ??? Isn't that ridiculous? So what if a replacement had already been appointed.
  • If you read all the Jewish scriptures, there is not one verse that describes hell, the pagan fiery hell of the book of Revelation. Then all of a sudden, in the Christian testament is the "hell" found in all the pagan religions around the Jews. Worse, there is not a single commandment in the Torah that has hell.

Josephus had invented a religion that would be Jew-friendly, but would also ensure that would disgust Jews due to its paganistic nature. He invented a religion that was friendly to Jews but wanted to ensure Jews would not believe in it. He wanted to preserve the integrity both of Jews and the Roman empire.

Can you now see why Josephus would have sneaked in a pejorative name for the Christian messiah?

Did Josephus miscalculate the response of his former rebel compatriots, whom he had expected would trust the Roman military? Or, did Josephus believe that the disunity of the rebellion needed a jolt?

The mystery of a politically syncretized religion remains unresolved ...

For 2000 years, when Abraham walked out of his father's idol shop, Israel/Jews had been surrounded by pagan religions that had believed in the Hell of Revelation as found with Zoroastrians, Egyptians, etc. Yet there is not a single verse in our scriptures that mentions hell. The eternal burning hell, confessed by pagans.

Not a single verse. Not a single commandment. Actually, there was an implied hell - the burning cauldrons that was prepared for Jews who refused to bow down to an unfamiliar and strange god.

But all of a sudden a hell appeared in an appendix to the Jewish scriptures, in a new religion invented by the Romans to unite the population, that would incorporate all the core elements of the religions in the empire.

For 2000 years, pagans had failed to contaminate Jewish scriptures with concepts of hell and human sacrifice. With the advent of the new Roman religion, they could then sell Jews the cruel practices of their pagan gods - a possibility that had eluded them for 2000 years. The punishment by hell.

Did Jesus Exist?

Did Jesus exist?

  • You could probably loudly declare that there is no doubt that Jesus did exist, but ...
  • The character may have existed as person or another, but the complete Jesus of the gospels never existed.
  • The Jesus of the gospels was a composite construction and invention.

Christianity came into existence at a time when there was a three-edged war between
  • Nero's decadent regime
  • Roman clans desperate in saving the Roman empire
  • rebellion outbreaks inspired by Jewish resistance/rebellion

  1. Rebel Collaborators?
    Have you asked yourselves how it is possible that the gospels of Jesus cast the rabbi-rebel leaders of the Jewish resistance as collaborators with the Nero regime to murder your messiah-god-idol? How could the die-hard rebels have collaborated with the Romans to murder your god?

    How is it possible that the Christian gospels and Pauline epistles speak nothing about the Jewish resistance?

    Why did the Christian gospels discourage rebellion or resistance against the Roman govt?

  2. Hell
    • Jews were surrounded by pagans who believed in fiery destructive hell for nearly 2000 years, but yet from the book of Genesis to Malakhi, there is not one description of the Chrestiano pagan hell?
    • And yet suddenly, with the new religion called Christianity, it was replete with all the paganistic description of hell? WHY???
    • Therefore, there is not a single Torah commandment that talks about punishment by hell.
    • How is it that a newly revealed god of mercy would also suddenly created an eternal hell of damnation?

  3. Deliberate mistranslations
    Have you ever investigated the Hebrew of the Bible and were surprised to learn that the English translations had added extra words and redefined the meanings of Hebrew words? Do you know that the motive behind translating the Bible, is that any Hebrew passage that contradicts Christian doctrine, must have its grammar twisted and concepts added to ensure the translation is in alignment with Christian theology?

  4. Therefore, in a concocted religion, you have both the advantages translating Jewish scriptures the way you need it and then concocting history to fit those "prophesies".

  5. Apostleship of Paul.
    250 years later, the Romans found that they had to cut Christianity loose from its Jewish constraints and invented yet another figure to write the Pauline epistles. Why would Peter and James refuse to admit Paul's apostleship?

    If Paul were real, it would be logical and expedient for Peter and James to appoint Paul as an apostle, regardless of an earlier appointment having been made. But of course, how could a fairy tale modify another fairy tale that was concocted 250 years earlier?

    Classic movie sequeling problem - the clumsy modification of the prequel to fit in a new story line of a new sequel.

Read next> Who invented Jesus?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The New World Order

I advocate a New World Order as envisioned by Jethro father-in-law of Moses.

I see Jethro's world order of rule-by-law in conjunction to the divisioning of tribes is a precursor to a federalist representative democracy.

I draw my experience from studying designing dynamic systems. I find that putting in rest states is a way to stabilize the functioning of a system.

I read about kondratieff effect on the economy, that world economy forces a rest state on itself once every 60 - 80 years. I argue about the Sabbath being the avenue to deal with the Kondratieff effect.

I read about violation of Sabbath being punishable by death in the Bible. In effect, our violation of biblical principles are bringing death to millions of people thro climate change, economic upheavals, unscientific rejection of education, oligarchy dressed-up as democracy, etc.

I argue against people who believe that money should be backed by gold - which you can read here:

 I argue for a biblical economic system.

I argue for a world where we exploit the legions of uneducated and give them an education. I argue for a world-wide open-source education system.

I argue for a world where we exploit the legions of unemployed who could be trained to find cures for diseases, to create effective ways to manage and avoid world catastrophes.

I argue for a new world order where we believe the reasons for diseases, catastrophes, and human conflicts is the way where G'd thro Evolution squeeze out the best in us and percolate to the top survivals. I argue that the Sabbath (where even the electron has its rest states) is the salvation offered by G'd for humankind to deal with the pressure of Evolution.

I argue against religious fundamentalists
  • -who use their religion to say that all the improvements I propose is blasphemy. That only the messiah has the right to repair the world.
  • who defend the "purity" of consumerism and capitalism as part of their gospels. Who destroy the planet's resources, who kill millions of born/unborn babies thro their materialism-masqueraded-as-godliness.
  • who deny the science behind environmental conservation and global warming. Even if they are half-true these are naturally occuring, they refuse to see that we have the responsibility to engineer solutions to control them.
  • who believe that we cannot play-god thro creative ways to overcome diseases, control the natural elements to avert disaster.
I argue that it is our responsibility to play-god, to take over the responsibility what natural evolution has begun. To use technological ways to achieve eternity for humankind. Because we are the asymptotic image of G'd:

I argue that the human race is the chosen race thro whom the infinite bride of G'd would evolve to be His eternal companion. Jews are merely the people chosen as the avenue to expose the Sabbath as an avenue for G'd to have His bride.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The value of US debt to world economy

The US debt has become the defacto world currency.

US$ is more stable because it is a debt. A debt is a concrete concept. It is backed by the education, productivity and creativity of the population.

When it is simply plain money without the debt, the US$ would have no actual value. How can you place a "real" value on a currency that has no backing?

The world trades in US debt because they believe in the creativity, productivity of the US. They want the US$ to be backed by the industrial activity and creativity of USA. The only way to tightly bind them to the US$ is thro debt. Without debt tied to the US$ there is no obligation or motivation for the US$ to accrue value.

The fundamentals of the US economy is our creativity and productivity. Would China trust the debt of Pakistan, which has half the population of the US? Why not?

The US does have a lot of natural resources. We have more oil reserves than any country in the world. We have rare metals the environmentalists would not let us mine, unlike China. Yet most countries in the world that have lots of natural resources continue to be poor. Without the continuous improvement in industry and technology of our population, our resources would be like those of countries - to be exploited by corporations without spilling the prosperity into the local economy.

Why do we refuse to invest in our education. Why is our education system insufficiently funded or equipped to produce the scientists, mathematicians, engineers, economists that we need? Why are our students enticed toward gaining worthless and unemployable and non-technical degrees? Like art history or phys ed.

How much more should we depend on H1-B as a way to bolster the fundamental value of our economy?

Gold is a silly derivative. Its value too is an economic bubble. Gold is a worthless way to back the US$. The value of gold is induced by the industrial activity and creativity of a nation. Without industry, the value of gold would collapse. Or the value of gold and economy would flee to another country that do have industry and creativity.

Using gold as currency or backing our currency is like having a hospital backed by 200 beds. Regardless of how the community's population has increased, the owners still wish to have only 200 beds. It is like having only two runways in an airport where the authorities refuse to expand the number of runways even though the number of air travellers have exploded.

Therefore, using gold as currency or backing, would place severe restriction on an economy to expand and contract in a flexible manner. Money is a kanban. The Bible mandates that the value of this kanban be reset once every 50 years. However, people who purport to be Bible-observant does not want money to be a kanban that is to be reset once every 50 years.

Even the book of Revelation assigns worthlessness to the value of gold, but gold-loving materialistic neo-fundamentalist Christians somehow like to violate their scriptures whenever they see fit, while claiming to be Bible-compliant. They talk about knowledge and wisdom from the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes - but it's all empty talk because they believe gold ownership is much more fundamental than the education funding of this country.

Perhaps, the neo-fundamentalist movement also coincides with the silently supremacist neo-conservatives who have a silent tacit understanding among themselves to ensure those whose ancestors had been enslaved in this country for a couple hundred years continue to be enslaved in poverty. Because they realise that the only effective alleviation to poverty is education.

The only effective solution to poverty is education. Not wealth redistribution.